We launched new features in April, including updates to Planning and Modelling.

  • Reorder modules in the new modules view: Building off the beta version of the new module view, Model builders will be able to reorder the modules in the model to better organize their model. This includes the ability to update the ordering with keyboard shortcuts.

Disclaimer: Please note: The information here is subject to change right up to release go-live time. This post is not a commitment to provide any features by a certain time frame and enhancements to the product may change before release.

  • Column width settings overrides: Currently page builders can set custom column widths for all columns in a grid and table using the right hand panel. Page builders will be able to set a column width and then override widths for specific line items, list, and time summaries for better control of how their grids and tables look.
  • Role-based landing pages: Page builders can define a fixed landing page for users, dependent on their model role, helping users access the content they need more quickly and streamlining navigation.
  • New Audit Events for Comments: You will be able to track and retrieve audit events for comments being added, deleted, and exported.

Upcoming scheduled maintenance:

  • May 11: Platform offline: Platform enhancements
  • May 25: Platform offline: Infrastructure updates

Have questions or looking for an update? Stay in touch: