This model example uses formulas on balance sheet movements to generate an indirect Statement of Cash Flows. The initial population of the statement is formula-driven, but users have the ability to adjust system-generated numbers as they see fit. It includes a sample detail roll-forward user input template for Property, Plant & Equipment, which can be copied and used for other accounts, such as long-term debt. It supports multiple currencies and automatically generates the Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash using formulas. 

Robust Accounting Functionality

  • Generate U.S. GAAP or IFRS cash flow statements at the monthly, functional currency level, then translate to group reporting currency (e.g., USD) using the included FX trans engine and report at consolidated group levels across months, quarters, or years.
  • The effect of exchange rate changes on cash, typically a bear of a calculation, is fully automated and completely transparent, in an easy-to-follow module that lays out the calculations step-by-step. The underlying math is purpose-built to be understood by the business user.
  • Cash flow statements can be viewed by entity, by currency, for monthly, quarterly, or annual levels.
  • Included auditor-friendly proof report shows initial calculation results, user adjustments, and final result. Views can easily be toggled between or pivoted, using the Data Source dimension.

Simple, Intuitive User Experience

  • User-facing input dashboards look and feel like any Excel-based cash flow worksheet in use across thousands of companies worldwide. (Cash flow accounts on the rows, balance sheet accounts on the columns, opening balance/closing balance/change in balance at the top.)
  • Included PP&E roll-forward should look instantly familiar to anyone who works with fixed assets. Self-explanatory input schedules minimize the need for user training.

Customizable Features

  • Level of automation can be customized. Cash flow lines can be automatic based on movements in known balance sheet accounts, manual submission from a user, fed from a supplementary detailed roll-forward (e.g. PP&E), or any combination of these three.
  • Any number of detailed roll-forward schedules can be built using the provided PP&E module as a template or use none at all.
  • The accounting functionality of this model example is basic and can generate a complete cash flow statement as-is. But if desired, additional complexity for unique or non-standard reporting requirements can easily be added on top, either during the initial deployment or in a later phase.