This page displays the Anaplan domains for you to add to your allowlist. An allowlist has your company's approved list of IP ranges or domains. 

This article is for IT or network administrators. If you aren't an IT or network administrator and you have difficulties connecting to Anaplan, go to Help me log in.

The domains and IPs for Anaplan services are listed below. Also see Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for country-specific information. If you have allowed these on your network and still have issues, please scroll to the bottom of this page to contact our Care team.

These domains all require outbound traffic access:

DomainUsed for
www.anaplan.comGeneral access
sdp.anaplan.comSSO login
audit.anaplan.comAudit API
*.app.anaplan.comWeb app
auth.anaplan.comAuthentication (API)
*.anaplan-cdn.ioWeb app
iam.anaplan.comWeb login
id.anaplan.comCommunity login
portal.anaplan.comSupport portal