Planual rules regarding Apps

Keep names as short as is practical. Use alphanumeric to prefix the Page name to help order the pages correctly on the App Contents page.

Using Custom Views allows the Page Builder to use inherent functionality such as richer conditional formatting options.

When you know that the page builder won't need to view staging line items, you should create an output module to be used for generating the Custom View.

Use Boards to render KPIs, graphs, variance reporting, reviewing data from multiple modules, and landing pages.

Use Worksheets for entering or editing large datasets, pivoting data, etc.

When creating Apps for mobile, think through the layout of the pages and develop the flow of page elements from left to right within each row on a Board. It may be appropriate to create a separate app for the mobile with proper spacing among the different elements.

When utilizing the same module for multiple cards that are the same "card type", consider saving it as a template. This increases efficiency when creating boards or worksheets.