Why is modeling in Polaris different?

Modeling in Polaris can be quite different to modeling in Classic Anaplan. All the rules covered in the Classic Section of the Planual still apply to Polaris unless explicitly stated otherwise. In some cases, Planual rules for Classic matter even more in Polaris than in Classic. For example, Rule 2.02-08 ‘Never use SUM and LOOKUP together’ can have even more significant consequences in a Polaris model than in Classic.

Polaris allows almost unlimited dimensionality. Almost all large Classic models are constrained by dimensionality. It's common for Classic models to use workarounds such as concatenated lists or flattened dimensionality in order to fit within the dimensionality and workspace constraints of Classic. That is not true in Polaris.

The result is Polaris models are almost always limited by calculation effort, not dimensionality constrained. This means that a poorly performing formula (which for example, causes the engine to have to do work for every possible cell in a massively dimensioned line item) will take much longer in Polaris than any formula can take in Classic.