Learn more about action issues that might impact your model performance and the actions you can take to fix them.
Are all the actions necessary?
When is this a problem?
When there are unused actions that haven't been deleted.
Why is this a problem?
It's very hard to audit which actions are being used.
How to correct
Remove any unused actions.
Related content
- Planual rule: 5.01-04
- OEG best practice: Best practices for model cleanup in Anaplan
Do any of the actions result in errors when they are run?
When is this a problem?
When you receive a yellow exclamation point, that is an error. You may also see warnings. Both errors and warnings need to be corrected. The action or process should show all green checkmarks.
Why is this a problem?
Imports will run, but the errors and warnings will result in missing data.
How to correct
Always read your errors and warnings and correct them. If you ignore errors or warnings, you run the risk of missing and/or incorrect data. Remember that in many cases, a model is a single source of truth, and mistakes with data will cause users to distrust the model.
Related content
- Planual rules: 5.04-04; 5.04-07; and 5.05-09
- Training: Import errors
Check the data sources. Are some of them lists or modules?
When is this a problem?
All sources of data should either be a file or module view, not a list or module.
Why is this a problem?
When using a list or module as a data source, there are no filtering mechanisms available.
How to correct
It's best practice to use a saved view when importing data from one model to another, especially for data loads that are repeated or frequently updated as part of an action or process. You may want to rename the saved view source to reflect what the saved view represents.
Related content
- Planual rule: 5.04-08
- Training: Filtering best practices
- Training: Saved views for importing
- OEG best practice: Data Hubs: Purpose and peak performance
Check the data sources. Does each data source have an action associated with it?
When is this a problem?
Data sources without an associated action are unnecessary.
Why is this a problem?
It can be confusing to have data sources without actions. It's best to keep things tidy.
How to correct
Delete data sources that don't have actions associated with them.
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- Planual rule: 5.03-01
- Anapedia: Naming conventions