Planual rules regarding Pages

At the beginning of the design process, take the user through the UX principles. Start with the end in mind and work backward.  

For example, the requirements for this report are X and Y. As a model builder, I will need to get these values from modules A and B.

Try and avoid the screen scrolling horizontally. It's better to fix the grid and scroll within the grid.

Don't build based on your screen size. Consider the smallest size the users will be viewing the page and build to that size. You should change the screen resolution to double-check how the page will look for the end users.

Use separate page selectors rather than module page selectors, especially if the dimensions are repeated in multiple dashboard elements.

Showing the page selector is appropriate, but try and drive the selection from a general page selector.

Create a separate page with selection modules to keep the main pages clean. This also allows for more efficiency in navigating up and down the hierarchy tree.

Use the App Menu for navigation or the module hyperlinks rather than cluttering your pages with buttons.

Educate the users to use the Refresh option in the toolbar rather than action "refresh" buttons to refresh pages.

If the chart has a filtered axis, set the filter such that all items are shown, then publish the chart. Then set the filter criteria back as desired using a filter.

Use Title and Description when configuring a card, rather than adding text to the page.

Import and Export actions need to be republished if modified or replaced, whereas Processes are always consistent with whatever is held within the Process, making management easier.

End users could‌ delete historical data, so keep the list element maintenance separate as part of the administration process.

Keep all the image URLs in Assets. To display the image for a certain list member, create a separate System module based on that one list.

Use My Pages to enable users to personalize the views of the data.

Too many list formatted line items displayed on a page can adversely affect performance, especially if the lists are large.  

Try and limit the number of displayed line items in a single module. If needed, split the list formatted line items into separate modules.