This guide will help you address the different types of PlanIQ errors and warnings you might encounter.
This article is for Anaplan workspace administrators. An Anaplan workspace administrator is someone in your company who can add new users to Anaplan, set up user roles, and perform model building and administration tasks.
To use PlanIQ, request the subscription from your Business Partner (part of the Anaplan Account Team), and ask for the workspace administrator role. Learn more about PlanIQ.
Need to know
PlanIQ has two types of messages to be aware of: errors and warnings. Errors cause PlanIQ step failures. Warnings don't cause steps to fail.
Error message | Cause and action |
{Dataset Name} headers contain these reserved words: {Used Reserved Words}. Please change module line item names. | Some field names are reserved by Amazon Forecast and aren't allowed. Go here for the full list of reserved words. Change the field names to non-reserved terms. |
Data type of historical/related time series column {Attribute Name} has changed from {Expected Data Type} and includes {Value}. Please revert data type change in the source module. | One of the data columns contains a data type (such as number) that was changed to a different data type. Revert to the original data type. |
The item unique identifier column in {dataset name} is empty. Check the source module and export action. | There's a problem with export action for the dataset (historical, related, or attributes) and the item unique identifier column is empty. Review the export action or source module. |
| The source data includes the exclude value column for a column that doesn't exist in the data set. Review the export action or source module. |
Your data can’t be processed. Check for duplicate header names or verify your mapping and try again. | This error may be caused by the existence of duplicate columns in the export. Review the export action or source module. |
Historical / Related data contains Infinity value. Correct data at source and try again. | This error displays if one of the numerical columns in the historical or related data includes Infinity as a value. Review the source modules or the export actions. |
| These errors display if the relevant historical, related, or attributes data isn't in a CSV format. Review the source modules or the export actions. |
{Dataset} file is empty. Please check Anaplan export action, permissions on the modules and lists, or contact your Integration Admin if source is Cloudworks integration. | This error displays if the relevant historical, related, or attributes data is empty. This can happen if problems occur with the export action, with permissions, or with selective access on the modules and lists. Review the source modules or the export actions. |
{Dataset} export action result file has an empty column. Please check 'Include Row Label Headers' checkbox on Anaplan Export Action. | To fix this error, select the Include Row Label Headers checkbox in the export action. |
Historical data contains records that can't be converted to numerical values. Please check the data. | The prediction target column in the historical data that the forecast uses to base predictions on contains non-numeric values, such as strings or dates. Review the historical data module and export action for invalid values. |
XXX-startUnable to identify the time format in the historical data. | The historical data includes a date format that PlanIQ can't identify. Check the date format. |
The historical data doesn't contain all the required columns. '{Missing Columns}' columns is/are missing | The historical data must contain three columns: item unique identifier, time dimension, and prediction target. The error lists the missing columns. Missing columns cause issues with the export action. Review the historical data module and export action to ensure that all three columns are available. |
Maximum number of rows in the data collection must be less than 1,000,000. | The maximum number of records in historical data is 1,000,000 records. Reduce the number of records that the export action generates. If possible, use a view with a filter to get a higher level of control. |
The data collection contains more than 100,000 individual items. Please reduce the number of individual items to 100,000. | The historical data module can contain up to 100,000 unique item identifiers. Reduce the dataset and train fewer unique items per forecast model. |
The maximum number of columns in the historical data is three. Please reduce number of columns to three or fewer. | The historical data contains more than three columns. Required columns are: item unique identifier, Time dimension, and prediction target. Review the historical data module and export action to ensure that only those columns are exported. |
The historical data contains too many missing values (more than 50%). Please check whether you can fill in missing values. | More than 50% of the values in the historical data are missing. Consider filling in the missing values, or forecast at a different level of granularity. |
The prediction target column is empty. Please check the source module and export action. | The prediction target column in the historical data module has no data. Review the historical data module and export action to ensure that the data is available. |
Your historical data is too limited. At least an average of five data points per item is required. Add more historical, observational data to your source module and try again. | When you look at historical data, PlanIQ expects at least five entries per unique item identifier across the historical timeline. Add additional historical data or fill in missing values. |
The related data doesn't include all the required columns. {Missing} columns is/are missing | The related data must have a minimum of two columns: Item unique identifier, and the Time dimension. If any columns are missing, it could be one of these reasons:
Review the related data module and export action. |
The related data includes the prediction value column. Please remove the {Prediction Value} column. | The related data contains the prediction value column. This can indicate that there's an issue with the export action. For instance, you may have used your historical data export action for the related data. Review the export action for the related data. |
Unable to identify the time format in related data. | The related data includes a date format that PlanIQ can't identify. Review the date format to ensure that it's compatible with PlanIQ. |
Maximum number of columns in the related data is 28. Please reduce the number of columns to 28 or less. | The related data contains more than 28 columns (not including the item unique identifier and time dimension). Reduce the number of columns in the related data module. |
All the numeric and Boolean columns in the related data are empty. Please check the source module and export action. | All the numeric and Boolean columns in the related data set are empty. Related data must contain an Item unique identifier and Time dimension columns, as well as support columns with numeric or Boolean data. Review the related data module and export action. |
There are no numeric or Boolean columns in the related data. Please check the source module and export action. | There are no numeric of Boolean columns in the related data set (apart from the item unique identifier and Time dimension column). Review the related data module and export action. |
Related data columns changed, revert the change to include only '{expected columns}' and run again. | It's possible that related data includes new columns that didn't originally appear or is missing columns that originally appeared. |
There are more than 10 columns in the attributes dataset. Please reduce number of columns to 10. | The attributes data contains more than 10 columns (not including the item unique identifier). Reduce the number of columns in the attributes module. |
The attributes don't include the item ID: {Item ID column} | The attributes data doesn't include the item unique identifier column. Review that the related data module and export action are configured correctly. |
Timeline of historical and related data does not match items: {Invalid Items}. Related data timeline should start on or before historical data timeline. | The related data must start on or before the start date of the historical data. This error message is displayed if at least one item’s start date in the historical data is earlier than its first appearance in the related data. Adjust the data for the invalid items. |
| Historical data can be aggregated, for example from daily to weekly, or from weekly to monthly. Related data can't be aggregated. If you leverage related data the time granularity of forecast models will be aligned to the granularity of the related data. If related data has a more granular frequency than historic data (such as related data is daily and historic data is weekly), related data can be aggregated in Anaplan modules before being brought into PlanIQ If you change the granularity of the data, make sure to rerun your data collection. |
You have exceeded your monthly forecast quota | You have exceeded your monthly forecast quota. Review the your quota consumption and contact your Customer Success Business Partner for more information. |
Items received from the data collection don't match forecast output. | This is an internal processing error. If you receive this error, reach out to Support. |
You provided invalid horizon: {horizon} max is: {max horizon}. If your source modules have changed, create a new forecast model with the correct horizon. | This error can happen if the amount of historical data was reduced between the latest run of the data collection and the time when forecast model was created. Our recommendation is to rerun the data collection for PlanIQ to calculate the correct maximum supported horizon. And then to create a forecast model again. See more information about forecast horizons and algorithms. |
Historical or Related data Time column contains time format that isn't recognized | This can happen if PlanIQ can't detect the time resolution of data. One of the reasons for this could be that the exported dataset is too sparse for PlanIQ to verify the time resolution (daily, weekly, or monthly). Omit empty rows for historical data and include empty rows for related data. See information on export actions for PlanIQ. |
Model can't be created right now, duplicate the model, and try again later. | This error indicates a transient error with the creation of forecast models. Try to create the model again or contact Support if the error persists. |
Warning message | Cause and action |
The data has fewer than 300 historical value records and cannot be used by advanced forecast algorithms such as DeepAR+, CNN-QR, and Anaplan AutoML. Please add more historical data. | PlanIQ cannot use advanced algorithms (DeepAR+, CNN-QR, or Anaplan AutoML) if fewer than 300 historical values are provided across all time series. |
The historical data time scale could not be found. | This warning displays if historical data has any of these issues:
Review the date format in the historical data module and export action. |
The following columns from historical data are excluded from the data collection: '{removed columns }' | PlanIQ excluded some columns during the processing of the data collection. Review the historical data module and export action. |
Data type of historical time series column {column name} has changed from integer and now includes {sample}. PlanIQ rounds the floating point entries to integers. Review and revert data type change in the source module. | One of the historical data columns contains an integer numeric data type that was later changed to a different data type. Revert to the original data type. |
Your unique item identifier cannot contain the $ character. PlanIQ is ignoring those items. | PlanIQ does not support unique item identifiers with $ character and ignores those items. Consider changing those unique item identifiers at source. |
Related data time scale could not be found. | This warning is shown if the related data has any of these issues:
Review the date format in the related data module and export action. |
The related and historical data do not contain the same item IDs. | At least one item in the historical data set is not in the related data set, or at least one item in the related data set is not in the historical data set. Review the settings of the export action. |
The related data does not include forward-looking information. Add forward-looking data to improve forecast accuracy. | The related data does not include forward-looking information. A fe algorithms can operate without forward-looking related data. However, to improve forecast accuracy, provide forward-looking related data. |
Columns {Empty Columns} in the related data are empty. Please check the source module and export action. | Related data columns listed in the error message are empty. Review the related data module and export action. |
The following columns from related data are excluded from the data collection: '{removed columns }' | PlanIQ excluded columns during the processing of the data collection. Exclusion typically happens if you add columns after the data collection was originally created. Review the related data module and export action. |
The following line items in related data include non-numeric information: '{column names}' | PlanIQ analyzes the content of columns in the related data and if numeric columns contain non-numeric information, they're ignored. Review the related data module. |
Since the related data contains more than 13 columns, MVLR will be the only algorithm available for making predictions. | MVLR is the only algorithm that can support more than 13 related columns (in addition to Time dimension and Item unique identifier). Review different algorithms to understand the differences between them and update your related data module and export action if needed. |
The attributes don't include all items in the historical data. PlanIQ ignored item ids: {Missing Items} | There are items that appear in the historical data that aren't present in the attributes data. When you include attribute data as part of the data collection, PlanIQ assumes that items list in the attributes data is the primary list. It ignores all items in historical or related data that are not part of attributes data. |
Unique item identifiers in previously saved forecast are: {number of previously saved items}, unique item identifiers in actuals received from the data collection are: {number of actual items}. Overlapping unique item identifiers are: {number of common items}. Missing unique item identifiers are: {number of missing items}. Forecast quality tracking may be unable to properly operate. | The quantity of items in the data collection you changed is more than 20% of the overall number of items. PlanIQ won't be able to perform a prediction quality check because the change in the data collection is so dramatic. Return to your source module and verify the data. |
| The model prediction quality comparison process can't run because a unified actuals timeline can't be constructed. Forecast action execution and generation of forecasts isn't impacted by this warning. |
| The model prediction quality comparison process can't run because a unified historic forecast timeline can't be constructed. Forecast action execution and generation of forecasts isn't affected by this warning. |
| The model prediction quality comparison process can't run due to an internal error. Forecast action execution and generation of forecasts isn't affected by this warning. |
| The warning message appears when the quality of the forecasting model has decreased compared to its previous performance. This overall quality metric is an aggregate metric, which describes the forecast results quality across the entire dataset. If this quality metric warning appears, it indicates the previous quality metric (for example, Forecast action execution and generation of forecasts aren't covered by this warning. The end user should analyze the data or train a new forecast model. |
Your monthly forecast quota is about to be exceeded soon | You've nearly met your monthly forecast quota. Review your quota consumption and contact your Anaplan representative for more information. |